Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sucker Punch

Chris Nolan meet your maker. Mr. Zack Snyder! The man is a genius and this film only proves it, he directed a film that was cheesy as Switzerland but the most visually stunning film I've ever laid eyes on until today. You probably kick things yelling this phrase and you'll know what movie I'm referring to: Now this film isn't a 360 from 300 its more like a 180, you'll see why.

First lets get the obvious out of the way, this movie was made to make money. It was the perfect plan put attractive young women wearing near to nothing and blow stuff up. How can you beat that well I'll tell you how, you make it question reality, and you make the movie realistic I'll admit that the only reason I went to see this was to see some of Snyder's work, as he will be directing the nearest and dearest franchise to my heart, Superman. After the first 30 minutes of this movie I was ready to give up and realize that the new Superman movie would be composed of nothing but action and thats not what Superman is about, but George Michael, not Arrested Development version, said once or maybe close to 100 times "You gotta have faith." Am I glad I took that catchy 80's song's advice.

Below Here is What happens in the Movie! Jump to the next bold sentence if you don't want anything to be spoiled!

The movie starts very suddenly i thought that it was another trailer until I saw the Title appear. So then the real fun begins our hero, Baby Doll, is taken to an Insane Asylum where she overhears the "warden" or something talking with her father about Baby Doll, "forgetting everything." We soon learn what he was talking about and Baby is under the needle ,literally, Jon Hamm is about to hammer a needle into her face, it called a lobotomy look it up. But just as soon as she is about to feel the needles point she takes of her wig and ages 15 years. What actually happens is Baby Doll has retreated far into her own subconscious and makes a world for herself, remember that phrase. She puts herself in a strip club, do I smell more $$$? She is being forced to dance there and meets 4 other "dancers" Rocket, Amber, Blondie, and Sweet Pea. Now we see all these girls in the Asylum before Baby has retreated into her mind. Now when Baby Doll is forced to dance she goes further into her subconscious, she is using her imagination.

Then comes Level 1...erm I mean the first fight scene. Now is where it gets good. Baby meets a strang man that look like a David Carradine imposter. He gives Baby her weapons and tells her that her journey has begun. Then 3 giant monsters come out of nowhere and start attacking and the Stranger leaves him with these words, "And one more thing: Defend yourself." Then begins the most stylistic, realistic, beautiful, artistic, and a thousand other adjectives, fight scene that I've even seen. You want more but it all ends too quickly. After the three monsters are defeated the stranger tells Baby that she need 5 things fire, a knife, a map, a key, and a mystery thing that only she can achieve. Now it really is a Video Game but I s wear if it ended like this I would shoot someone in the face.

Then she come back to "reality" and everyone is clapping. Apparently she's given the most raw and beautiful dance that anyone has even seen so she figures she can use that ability to get the 5 items. She remembers seeing 4 of the items and recruits the other 4 girls to help her get them. Then ensues the next 3 levels, exposition on how they will get the item, a fight scene that is a metaphor for Baby Doll's dancing and the other's stealing the item, then the "warden" guy in his new club owner form trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Another thing that remains the same is the man that gave Baby her weapons gives the whole team orders and their mission objective. It may seem repetitive but the fight scenes make it worth it, every fight scene is based off a popular movie or something. We already had a Kung-Fu movie fight, then we have a sci-fi robot fight that references iRobot and Terminator (minus Ahnold)a WWII with Nazi Zombies fight, then in the best knock of of anything I've seen in my life a Lord of the Rings fight.

So they have the knife, fire, and the map. Here's where some serious acting chops come out of all parties. So Warden/Club Owner figures out their plan and Rocket gets killed. Everyone freaks out and realizes that the warden/owner knows they're plan and everyone cries. They sit there and cry. Its the most tense I've ever been in a movie before. They are all alone, isolation is the only word I can think of. Well Baby Doll is about to be sold to some "Highroller" who is Jon Hamm's uncontentious alter ego. Ths warden/Owner figures out the escape plan and kills everyone minus Baby and Sweet Pea. And just as Warden/Owner gives some creepy speech about being in a sandbox and want to play with his toys he grabs Baby Doll and tries to rape her, but she delivers a cheesy one liner and stabs him in shoulder and grabs the key. 4/5 items, she makes a break gets Sweet Pea and the plan is in action, they start a fire to automatically open all electronically sealed doors and the 2 get outside. What happens for the last 20 minutes is the most mind blowing ending of a movie in the last year. There's a group of men outside and Baby realizes that she is the last item and sacrifices herself to save Sweet Pea.When the gets shot it flashed back to Jon Hamm hitting the needle into Baby's face. Making her forget everything. We then find out that everything that happened in Baby's mind happened in real life. The warden get caught making out with an unconscious Baby and is taken to jail but yo can tell that Baby's mind if gone. Then we see Sweet Pea getting on a bus and guess who the driver is? Yuo David Carradine look-a-like! He apparently knows all about the things that went on at the asylum and give Sweet Pea a free ride.

Okay You can start reading again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The movie leaves us with a message it asks who controls the world we live in? Who assigns the steps for the dance? Then it says one simple word. You!

The movie is solid. Its like a puzzle you don't have the box too. At first you struggle to understand what's happening but if you're patient you can figure it out. The visual effects are outstanding, and the acting is raw and real. But the one thing I like most about this movie was its realism. Die Hard is awesome because John McClaine is just a normal cop doing exta-normal things. So, people can retreat into their minds and visualize situations and help get them accomplished. Imagination is a lost art these days and this movie makes imagination cool again! I give this a good 9.5 out of 10 go see it if your on the fence just be ready to think and let your mind melt with another's imagination.

"Who chains us... and who holds the key that can set us free? It's you. You have all the weapons you need. Now fight!" -Sweet Pea

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